This past weekend I had the chance to visit Zambia’s biggest attraction (literally) – Victoria Falls! Considered one of the “Seven Natural Wonders of the World” it was a must see during the visit of my childhood friend, Hannah. Victoria Falls is near the Zambian city of Livingston and forms part of the southern border with Zimbabwe. From Lusaka, it’s quite a drive over dirt and worse-than-dirt roads, but completely worth it!

Right now the Falls are at their peak flow as Zambia’s rainy season is just coming to an end and the Zambezi River is swollen. If you want all the stats, check Wikipedia ( because all I can say about them is a long string of adjectives: Amazing, Magnificent, Awesome, Thunderous (as the native name implies)…

It was an awesome, yet funny, experience. I knew that the Falls were going to be at their height. I was told that I would get wet. Yet that didn’t do much to prepare me for what I was about to encounter! The “height” part was literally true – the incredible spray reached nearly to the clouds (approx. 1300ft). The wet part was more than true also – all that spray must come down. And come down it did – right on the heads of the spectators. I had envisioned that there would be a heavy mist, sort of like those “misting machine” things you use to cool off in an amusement part during the summer. Instead, it was like walking about in a spring rain storm without an

umbrella. Even with rain coats, we were soaked to the skin! Anne was the wise one, coming sans purse. Hannah sealed her purse in one of the ginormous ziplock bags my mom sent over – also a pretty good idea. I opted to put the contents of my bag inside of the ginormous ziplock bag and then the ziplock inside my bag. The idea was to be able to go “hands-free” with my bag slung over my shoulder. That could have worked well. True, my bag did fill up completely with water as we crossed the “Knife Edge Bridge”, but everything inside the ziplock stayed nice and dry. Only problem was, everything did not make it into the ziplock. In turning the bag upside down to drain it, I discovered that my cellphone had encountered Victoria Falls first hand and did not enjoy it at all! (Fortunately, it recovered within a few days.)

All the spray made for a pretty hilarious adventure. At times the downpour was so heavy, all I could do is squeal and giggle hysterically as I attempted to clear hair and water out of my face in windshield-wiper fashion. Then there was the guy walking in front of us arrayed in a giant yellow rain poncho and hotel slippers. (Not a bad idea!) And then, as we returned from our trek dripping from every part of our body, there were the stares of bright and dry tourists about to start down the path.

All in all it was an unforgettable experience. You all should really come and see it! I’d be happy for the excuse to do it all again!
Hey!! you've got updates and my computer didn't notify me! I'm sure I need to tell it to do so somehow.
May 21, 2009 at 3:30 PMYou're camera is not fill flashing. I can't see your faces.
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