My first report was focused primarily on my work, just like my first month was focused on learning as much as I could about the Zambian legal system. No longer being on the road, my second month has been full of settling in to my new life here in Zambia. This report will be a little more light-hearted, just as my month has been.The Zambian Sky
I think my very favorite feature of Zambia is the magnificent sky. Though things may be a little smoggy and dusty here on the ground, the sky is nearly always a beautiful blue and filled with giant fluffy clouds. If it weren’t for the dirt and bugs, I would love to spend an hour just laying and gazing! Easter weekend I hope to have the luxury of also soaking in some lovely sunrises, sunsets, and starlight. I can’t wait!
Making New Friends
The Christian expatriate community in Lusaka seems to be close-knit. Being away from the busyness of our various homelands, we seem to have more time for people. It’s funny how you can meet someone for a few minutes at church, or a market, or even through a friend’s email and now they are one of your new best friends. They open their home to you and you do the same, without a second thought. It’s just another blessing of being part of the worldwide Christian community!Great North Road
Having a favorite road is probably a little odd. Just days after arriving, I took my first roadtrip. As we sped up the Great North Road towards Kabwe, I was able to take in my new surroundings without being jolted and jarred. (See left.) Not many Zambian roads are so “luxurious”. And since that day, it has been my goal to drive myself up the Great North Road. Again, a little odd.
With the long training trips over, food has taken on a new importance – now I have to feed myself. It has been fun recreating home cooking with whatever is available. My favorite “replacement” food is Chapati. Chapati is an Indian flat bread that is similar to a tortilla. Every time I buy them, it is with the intention to make burritos, but they rarely last until dinnertime.
Cute Kids
Zambian kids must be among the cutest in the world! Most of my time is spent in the “adult world”, but I always like to peek out the window during our training sessions and watch the kids. For the most part, kids are kids, the world round. The little boys toddle around kicking plastic bottles to each other and the little girls huddle and giggle. Only the babies seem to be different, hardly ever crying as they survey the world with their big eyes from fabric slings on their mothers’ backs. I just want to hug them all!
I really think my coworkers must think I am a little loopy sometimes. It’s just when we begin our morning devotions in song, I can’t wipe the huge smile off of my face. There are few things that I enjoy more than hearing them sing. Zambians can really sing! I don’t know how they do it, but everyone seems to know some beautiful harmony to add to make even a simple chorus sound amazing! I really need to sneak in a recording device into devotions or church sometime so that I can send you a little foretaste of heaven!
Yes, all you parents out there, send you kids to Zambia and they will grow to love their veggies! Since I can’t run to Chick-fil-a when my tummy rumbles, I have had to turn to what’s at hand – fresh vegetables. With the help of, I have made Pumpkin Soup, Roasted Tomato Soup, Garden Vegetable Soup, Parmesan Corn, Tomato Cucumber Salad… Send me your favorite veggie recipes and I will certainly try them out! (And for the benefit of those who are safety-conscious out there, the veggies are all well disinfected and often boiled before consumption.)
So if you get a longing for blue skies, cute kids and fresh veggies, hop on a plane and come over to Zambia! You’re always welcome!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things
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Hey Sara,
April 24, 2009 at 11:48 PMHere it is some weeks past now that we read "your favorite things". It was a Wed. I believe that we gathered around as a family and read it, before starting our school and chores. We enjoyed it, thank you, and wanted to let you know.
I tried to get your site to let us know everytime you write, and I think it's succeeding. However, I wanted to make sure and ask if you've added anything recently.
I'm looking at your page, it's hard for me to understand it all. Maybe you can tell me where to look for "the latest". dede
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